Tooting Market Protest

Upcoming Events

18th February 2025 7:30pm

Our fortnightly planning meetings are a good way to meet others from the Wandsworth group and get involved in planning future events. If you're new and prefer just to take a back seat and observe for a bit, that's fine. All welcome!

24th February 2025 7:00pm
In Person

Battersea Arts Centre
Lavender Hill
SW11 5TN
United Kingdom

Money is power and it doesn’t sit still. What is your money doing right now?

Come to an immersive workshop run by Rob Callender that will challenge your relationships to money, property, and community, inspired by the works of anthropologists Michael Taussig and David Graeber and traditional money saving around the world today. We’ll explore together how we got to a second Trump term and why (re-)building a grassroots financial system has never been more important. When Marx talked about taking control of the means of production, he meant money.

27th February 2025 7:00pm
In Person

Four Thieves pub
51 Lavender Gardens
SW11 1JW
United Kingdom

The next book to get reading for the XR Wandsworth book club is The Lie of the Land: who really cares for the countryside? by Guy Shrubsole.

4th March 2025 7:30pm

Our fortnightly planning meetings are a good way to meet others from the Wandsworth group and get involved in planning future events. If you're new and prefer just to take a back seat and observe for a bit, that's fine. All welcome!

10th March 2025 7:30pm

Please join us for a talk and discussion with Adam Greenfield about his book LIfehouse – Taking care of ourselves in a world on fire. The book is an urgent and practical guide to community resilience in the face of climate catastrophe. A Lifehouse is an institution at the heart of each neighbourhood that responds to the terrifying reality of climate collapse in our own communities.

18th March 2025 7:30pm

Our fortnightly planning meetings are a good way to meet others from the Wandsworth group and get involved in planning future events. If you're new and prefer just to take a back seat and observe for a bit, that's fine. All welcome!